River Milagro River Reserve
The proposal for the Milagro river nature reserve included in the Guadiana hydrological plan covers almost the entire course of the Milagro river before it flows into the Torre de Abraham reservoir. It has a length of 22.06 km, within the municipalities of Retuerta del Bullaque (Ciudad Real) and Las Ventas with Peña Aguilera (Toledo).
The headwaters of the Milagro river are a representative example of siliceous Mediterranean low mountain rivers. The hydrological regime is Mediterranean pluvial, temporary or seasonal, and its natural characteristics remain unchanged.
The Milagro river flows through the bottom of a valley, with a wide, gently sloping flood plain, filled with alluvial deposits in the form of conglomerates, gravels and sands, a typical geomorphology of the rañas. The plan layout varies between straight, winding, meandering and meandering.
The riparian vegetation is mainly represented by taxa typical of south-western hydrophilic ash woods with a high degree of naturalness in which no allochthonous species have been detected. Among the mammals, the otter (Lutra lutra) has been found to be abundant in all three rivers.