Guadyerbas River. Sotillo de las Palomas
12 de April de 2021

Of Vetonic origin, although its appearance is medieval, and it is possible that its foundations may even date back to the Vetonic period, as is alluded to in some sources. A very busy place, as it served as a communication route between the Tiétar valley and Talavera de la Reina. The whole valley of Tiétar and La Vera is full of various bridges of Roman and medieval origin, which is proof of the commercial importance of the area of the Sierra de Gredos with the Tagus Valley, especially in livestock, furs and wool.

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Castillo de Orgaz

Reserva pases Castillo de Orgaz

Teléfono: 925 24 82 32

Del 27 al 31 de Enero

Horario de 10 a 14 horas
