

Plaza Mayor

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Segurilla is a town located in the north of the municipality of Talavera de la Reina and in the southwest of the Sierra de San Vicente region. The name of the village has its origin in the toponym of Segura, from the Muslim period. It was a place for the defence of the natural border of the Tagus River, which is directly related to the defensive watchtower that crowns the landscape. In the 13th century it changed its name to Segurilla.

The first evidence of settlement dates back to the 11th century, when the area was conquered by Alfonso VI. During the 12th century, the area began to be repopulated. The Almohad threat led to the erection and fortification of several towers and watchtowers throughout the area.

The natural environment invites the visitor to go on different routes on foot, by bike, quad or horse, where you can enjoy a walk through the wonderful typical mountain landscape of holm oaks, cork oaks, seasoned with the smell of broom, hawthorn blossom and wild flowers.

For astronomy lovers, Segurilla has an astronomical observatory where visitors can not only contemplate the marvellous stellar spectacle, but also take part in the activities proposed by the Astronomical Association.

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What to see?

Hermitage of La Soledad (16th century)

Square in plan, preserving the charm of the stone and the beautiful constructions of the 16th century, with five very simple columns, capital and base. Stone entrance door with semicircular arch. The image of Nuestra Señora de la Soledad is venerated there.

Hermitage of Santa Ana

Rectangular in plan, the main façade of which consists of a masonry wall with a semicircular arched doorway. It is attached to the cemetery and contains the 16th century carving of Saint Anne with the Child Virgin, as well as works of great artistic value such as Saint Roque, from the same century.


A 15 m high tower, located to the south of the village, from where the whole valley of the Tajo to the south and the roads to the north coming from the Sierra de Gredos can be seen. Of Muslim origin, circular in plan, built with strong masonry and lime, the scaffolding can still be seen. Its function was to keep watch and to act as a warning voice in communication with other points or watchtowers in the area. It is believed that this entire defensive system on the central frontier of the peninsula was built during the time of Abd-el-Rhaman III.

Via Crucis (16th-17th c.)

From the 16th-17th centuries isolated crosses located around and within the village. The cross is almost Greek with a cylindrical cross-section.


Thirty-five monolithic granite piles were arranged in a circle around a well.

Astronomical Observatory

It is an amateur astronomy observatory dedicated to the enjoyment of nature as a whole and the night sky in particular. The main building of the OAS is a 10×10 metre square building which is divided internally into a toilet, a conference room which also serves as a reception area for visitors, and a control room for the main telescope of the OAS. Behind the main building is a natural, naked-eye solar observatory, called "Star Square".

A square also dedicated to night-time observation, with a circular plan of 24 metres in diameter in which the sunrise and sunset on the spring and autumn equinoxes, as well as the summer and winter solstices, are marked with stone milestones.